Saturday, August 5, 2017

Canoeing in Western North Carolina, Ela to Bryson City

Over the winter I picked up an old canoe.  It was cheap enough and I had always wanted one.  I have had it in the water a couple of time but have never really taken it any distance.  A river runs right next to where I stay so I decided to paddle down it.  I didn't really plan the trip, I just put the canoe on the truck and went up river.  I found a spot about three miles up the road.  It is call the Ela Public access site to the Tuckasegee River.  I put the canoe in the water and headed out.  About a quarter of a mile in, I encountered my first "rapids".  Everyone has heard that expression objects may appear larger in the rear view mirror.  Rapids appear larger when sitting in a canoe.  I tried to go slow, got turned sideways, hit a rock and cracked the canoe.  

It wan't a bad crack so I kept going.  The river was mostly flat and slow flowing and I was alone.  I was three miles from home and it took me about an hour and a half to get back.  I pull the canoe out of the water just before a bridge near home.  The water under the bridge was faster and fell a few feet.  I did not want to take the chance of more damage to the canoe.  I did manage to make a video of the trip.