Saturday, September 13, 2014

Lewis Falls, Moose Falls, Crawfish Creek and the Snake River in Yellowstone

The southern entrance to Yellowstone National Park comes in through the Grand Tetons.  There is certainly alot to see in the Tetons.  Today I drove the road from West Thumb down to the south gate.  Along the way I made a stop at all the road side attractions.  These included Lewis Falls, Crawfish Creek, Moose falls and the Snake River.  

The first feature is Lewis Falls.  There are a lot of waterfalls in Yellowstone.  Literally hundreds of waterfalls of all shapes and sized.  As waterfall go in Yellowstone, Lewis Falls in not very high.  But is does have a good volume of water passing over it. 

The next feature you encounter while driving south towards the south entrance is Moose Falls on Crawfish Creek.  There is a nice bridge over the creek and the falls are small but impressive.  You can get up close and in the mist of the falls. 

The last feature is the Snake River.  The south entrance is located next to the bridge over the Snake River.  The river runs through a long flat valley.  Fisherman populate the banks of the river and there is a picnic area at the location.  

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