Friday, December 9, 2016

Three Hundred and Fifty Blog Posts and Counting

     I noticed today that I have 350 posts on this blog.  I started in February 2009.  That's about 50 blog post per year, or four per month.  This is not really reflective of how often I posted.  I posted more in the beginning. 

     As of this date the stats say that there have been 78 thousand page views.  Really not very many.  It is a little understated because I split the blog into parts several times in the past.  I spent some time in Las Vegas and made a little blog about that and there were a couple of others.  

     I signed up for Google Adsense about a year after I started the blog.  It took a while, but I got it up to about $15 a month in income.  I know, don't spend it all in one place.  Now, if I get $3 a month out of it I am amazed.  There are a lot more blogs out there and that means less money from advertisers.  I know there are blogger that make a lot more money.  I average a little over nine hundred visitors a month.  Some blogs have that in a minute.  I never really tried much to expand my reach. 

I have thought about trying to get more readers.  The problem is that I am not that crafty, don't want to write about chickens, and most of what passes for entertainment today bores me to tears.  I don't look good naked anymore, so there really isn't much left.

     The most visited blog post is about  Jay Walking in Las Vegas.  It has about 2300 views.  I have no idea why.  The most popular topic on the blog was the Duke of Fremont Street.  The Duke is a personality that inhabits Vegas.  He is quite a character.  I met him when I was playing poker at the Golden Nugget.  He sat down and put $186,000 on the table.  I have written about him in 19 post. Someone tried to kill him during a robbery.  It was news for a long time.  

     I hear that there a people who make books out of their blogs.  I have never really gone through the old post and reread them.  I don't think that they would make a good book.  At least not one that I would pay to read. 

     I'm going to keep blogging.  I like to write and I at least have this outlet.  I need to decide to post more or not.  When I am in the old folks home and I am looking back, the blog will help me remember.