Monday, November 14, 2016

Life Is Not Like A Spam Folder

     I opened my spam folder today to clean it out and discovered 126 emails.  The first email announced that a Sexy Asian Female wanted to meet me.  A couple of lines down there was a notification that I was a guaranteed winner of one of four prizes.  I hope its money, cause I'm sure the Sexy Asian Female is going to want me to show her a good time.  Wait a minute, there's an email from Desperate Russian Girls looking for dates.  Maybe if they are desperate their expectations will not be as high.

    I should have stopped while I am ahead.  A little further down there is a email from Married but Lonely and another from I Miss My F**kbuddy.   Then there was Irene and Anastasia who wanted to help me improve my "performance".  I wonder if they're the one's that sent me the email entitled "No Prescription Needed"?  

    Thank goodness someone sent me my personal guide to better health care.  If Sexy Asians or Desperate Russians ever get a hold of me, I going to need good health care.