Monday, September 26, 2016

The Iron Skillet Restaurant, Bryson City, North Carolina

     It is been my custom for many years now, to eat breakfast at a local restaurant and spend several hours writing. When I'm in a large urban area, I usually look for a Denny's. The food there is relatively inexpensive and they generally do not mind if I occupy a booth for a couple of hours in the morning. When I'm in more rural areas I look for a nice friendly local restaurant. Here in Western North Carolina, in Bryson City I have found a place to write at the Iron Skillet. 

It is a little cafe in a small commercial strip in downtown. The food is good and the waitstaff have come to tolerate my presence. If you're ever passing through the area I would suggest stopping by for a burger. You may find me in the back room pounding away on the keyboard.