Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Contemplating My Navel and Tilting Windmills

     I was sitting visiting with a friend yesterday.  When recalling what I had done the day before, I described myself sitting on the porch contemplating my navel.  My friend was puzzled by my statement and needed an explanation of its meaning.  This reminded me that I am getting older and saying that were popular when I was young are not all that common any longer.  

Be there or be square, book it, fake out, fuzz, hang loose, heavy, 
later, and sock it to me are a few more that come to mind.  Every generation has its own slang.  It is just one more of the many reminders that the world is in a constant state of change.  

It been a very long time since I tilted a wind mill.  At least I didn't say I had engaged in Omphaloskepsis.

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