Monday, June 1, 2015

Bartlett's Landing, Mount Desert Island, Maine

It was a cold and rainy day with no chance of clearing up, so I went for a drive.  I decided to head to the Indian Point area on Mount Desert Island and see what there was to see.  Of course I couldn't find the place.  I ended up in a place called Bartlett's Landing.  I ended up there because that is where the road ends.  There is a dock and there are boats moored in the area. I don't use the word bleak much, but somehow bleak seems to apply the the coast of Maine on a cold and rainy day.  It was bleak.  I guess that why they named the place Mount Desert Island.

 I went on the internet to try and find out why it called Bartlett's Landing.  I learned that on the other side of the narrows is a place called Bartlett Island.  I tried to find out why it was called Bartlett Island.  I was not very successful.  All I could find out was that Bartlett Island is Rockefeller land.  They own most of the place.  I'm sure that somewhere in the distant past there was a feller named Bartlett that owned or had a farm out there and that's how the place got its name. I just didn't feel like digging into the history today.  Not much motivation.    

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