Saturday, May 23, 2015

Jordan Pond Loop Trail, Acadia National Park, Mount Desert Island Maine

Jordan Pond is something of a misnomer for me.  It is three and three tens miles around the pond.  To me its a lake.  That being said, it is an amazing beautiful place.  Some time in the past a glacier about a mile deep set on the land where the Pond is located.  It rounded off the mountains in the area.  When it melted, it left a large deposit of material that acts as a dam on one end of the Pond.  This deposit is otherwise know as a moraine.  There are three separate sections to the hike.  There is a flat lever gravel path. There is an elevated boardwalk, and there is a rocky path.  I parked at the boat launch area and walked down to the Pond.  Standing facing the Pond, a hiker can go left or right.  It is a loop trail.  If you turn right there is a flat gravel trail that hugs the shore and takes you just past the northern most end of the Pond.  After you turn this corner you travel through about 400 yards of rocky terrain.  Through the rocky terrain there is an improved path that at places resembles rock steps.  Finally there is a boardwalk of sorts.  The boardwalk is about three quarters of a mile in length.  The boards are really logs sawn in half and affixed to supports to keep you up and away from the wet and boggy soil that is present on that side of the pond.  The walk is flat and easy.  From the path you can see the Jordan Pond House, a Bridge on the Carriage Road, the north and south Bubble The Jordan cliffs and seven assorted mountains.  

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