Wednesday, February 4, 2015

A Must Have Temperature Gauge For All RVers

     I have discovered that being handy is quite an assets to possess.  I began my career of being handy working on cars.  A long time ago when they were expensive I got an infrared laser point thermometer for working on cars.  I would use it for any number of things.  If my car was running ruff, I would get the thermometer out and check the temperature of the exhaust manifold for each cylinder.  The temperature would all be about the same if the cylinders were all firing the same.  If one was low, then I had a problem with that cylinder.  When I started RVing, I did other things like check tire temperatures.  A hot tire could mean low air pressure and a potential blowout.   


I also began using it for other things.  I would check the temperature of the water coming out of the water heater.   I even used it when I cooked on the grill.  There are really all kinds of uses for one of these.   The reason I bring all this up is that these thermometers have come down in price.  Many years ago I paid $70 for mine.  Now you can get one for about $20.  At that price it just makes sense to have one for your RV.  While you are stopped for fuel, you can walk around your rig and check the tire temperature to see if anything is overheating.  It works out to be a quick and simple way of preventing blow outs.  

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