Sunday, May 11, 2014

The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow, Bet Your Bottom Dollar

          I wanted to get of of Vegas.  I wanted cooler weather.  It had been my plan all along.  I had spent three summers in Vegas and I couldn't see spending another.  The thing about Vegas is that it is either too hot or too cold.  There are a couple on months between hot and cold that are okay.  Last summer I think there were about 10 days where it was over 110 and another 60 days where it was over 100. 
          I left Vegas it was in the 80's and forecast to reach the 90's within the week.  I was eager to leave.  There is that saying that you should be careful what you wish for.  I arrived in Yellowstone on May 1, and have now been here a full week.  I have had three sunny days and four days of snow. 
          I ask around when I first got here because there was four feet of snow on the ground.  The camp sites had been carved out of the snow and it was like all the sites were enclosed in a snow wall.  I was assured that this was nothing and that last week it was much worse.       

          Based on the fact that last week was much worse, I thought for sure this week would be much better.  Nope.  More snow now than when I got here.  I know that the sun will come out and I will be released from confinement.  It could and should be sooner than later. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ha know what you mean I used to live in Vegas! Moved to Fl loved it! But now in Tx winters I don't like at all. Miss Fl can't wait till we get to Rv full time we will be headed back to Fl for sure!