Sunday, February 23, 2025

Chapter Two

Ted headed his truck out of Eden into the surrounding country.  A short distance out of town, the pavement ended and gravel roads began.  The gravel crunched beneath his tires as the town faded in the rearview.  Fields stretched wide, interrupted by patches of forest with steams and creeks cutting through both.  Pastures with grazing cattle surrounded by barbed wire and split cedar fence posts.  Hay fields with rows of drying cut grass waiting for the baling machine and others with square or round bales soon to be moved to storage and held for winter feed.  A spattering of saplings struggling for a foot hold evidenced a pasture no longer used and eventually, if left untended would return to forest.  It was a patchwork of fields and forest defined by fences and country roads.  

Silos, barns, and outbuildings told the story of generations past and present. Some stood as relics of the pioneer days, their hand-hewn logs notched at the corners, the gaps once packed with clay or moss. Others bore the clean lines of modern corrugated steel, built for function over tradition. The old barns still served their purpose—storehouses for tools, shelter for animals, or a quiet place for stacked hay in lofts and stalls. 

 Ted knew the Neilson family well,  but Terry had been like one of his own.  She was once as close to family as you could get without being related.  The same age as his middle daughter, and was always around the house.  She was in the same classes at school and played on his daughter’s soft ball team and both where active in 4H. She had sleep overs at his house and had accompanied the family on camping trips and other adventures.  Ted hadn’t seen Terry in a while and was looking forward to seeing what she was up to lately.    

A welfare check was just a routine part of the job.  Ted could never count the number of checks he had made in his career.   Someone would call with a concern about a friend or relative and ask the police to stop by and see if there was a problem.  The local police would check if the request fell in the town’s limits.  The Sheriff’s Department handles all the request in county areas.  Most of the time someone was calling about their elderly parent.  The kids had moved to a bigger city and when they can’t reach their parents, they call and ask for a welfare check.  The story goes that they had tried for several days and there was no answer on the phone.  Its probably nothing, Grandma had not fully adjusted to cell phones and she probably forgot to charge it or she had left it in the car.  This time it was a mother’s concerned about her daughter.  Terry’s father has passed and her mother had moved away to live with her older sister.  She needed access to better health care than was available in Eden.  Terry had stayed behind and lived in the family house.  Ted reminded himself that most of the time everyone was fine.

The homestead was on two hundred acres of mostly pasture, with a barn and some other out buildings.  The house was built in the early 1900’s, two stories with a wrap around covered porch and a basement.  It was a typical southern farm house found all around the county.  Built for the large family that was needed to successfully farm.  The house was built by Terry’s grandfather, and inherited by her father.  Her parents had run a calf and cow operation when she was young.  Now the fields were leased to a neighbor and used for hay production.  Ted was certain that once Terry’s mother had passed, the land would be sold off and Terry would move away.  

The house was set back off the main road and accessible by a two hundred yard gravel drive.  Ted pulled up to the house and saw no signs of activity.  A dog barked as he approached, but no one came to the door.  The dog was wagging his tail as he barked and Ted knew from experience that the dog was just announcing his arrival.  After exiting the car, he walk over to the dog.

“Good boy.” He said.  The dog stopped barking and came over and smelled his pants.  Ted reached down and rubbed the dogs ears while he looked around, he still did not see anyone.  The yard was over grown and there was a car parked next to the house.  The steps were in the center of the front porch and Ted climbed up and walked to the door.  He heard the sound of the TV when he pressed the door bell.  He did not hear the door bell ring so he rapped on the glass in the door.  Still no response.  

Ted called out “Hello, anyone home?”  Still no answer.  “Terry, it’s Ted.”  Still no answer.  Ted walked around the house.  He called in the plate numbers from the car and it was Terry’s.  Ted walked to the back of he house calling out as he walked.   

The rear of the house was in greater disarray than the front.  There were items haphazardly strewn about.  Ted knocked on the back door getting no response.  He tried the door handle and it was unlocked.  He opened the door and announced his presence.  “Anybody home?”  No response.  The house was silent.

The back door open to the kitchen and it was a mess.  Ted knew that Terry was alway a little messy.  There were dishes piled in the sink and overflowing onto the counter.  Open empty cans of food were left on the counter and the kitchen table.  The garbage can was full and had been pulled over and spilled on the kitchen floor.   Ted thought to himself that the dog must have gotten into it.  Ted made his way down the hall towards the front of the house.  

The vestibule included the stairway to the second floor.  Ted continued to call out as he checked each room for occupants.   He turn the TV off as he searched.  Ted climbed the stairs peering into each open door as he walked the second floor.  At the rear right of the house there was a room with a closed door.  Ted called out and knocked on the door.  The house remained silent.  He opened the door and saw a woman lying covered in the bed, faced away from the door.

 “Terry, is that you.” He walked closer and approached the foot of the bed,  As he did the face came into view.  Ted did not have to approach any further,  it was Terry and she was dead.  His breath caught in his throat. For a moment, the years melted away, and he saw her as the little girl who used to raid his fridge after school. He wanted to shake her awake, to tell her it was all a mistake. But she was gone.  He caught himself and stepped back.  

Over the years, Ted had witnessed death on a regular basis.  Accidents on the highway and the passing of the elderly in his community.  He had grown accustom to it.  But this was different.    She was young, beautiful, with a limitless future.  Her family was loving and supportive and she was liked and respected in the community.  

It took a minute but Ted composed himself.  He had a job to do, a job that included telling this child’s mother that her daughter was gone.  On the nightstand next to Terry was a open bottle of pills.  In the eternity that were the seconds Ted stood and stared at the bottle, he asked himself,  “Did she overdose, was this a suicide?”

The scene told a story, but Ted wasn’t sure what kind yet. Overdose? Something worse? His gut churned.   Opioid abuse was ramping up all across the country.  Ted had read the reports, overdose deaths were on the rise.  It was an epidemic and it may have reached Eden.  Ted approached and read the label.  It was a prescription, and it was Terry’s name on the bottle.  The prescription was for pain and the bottle still contained pills.  Ted was relieve for a moment, at least it was not suicide.  If it was a suicide, the bottle would be empty.

Ted called the office to request assistance and to have the coroner sent out.  It wasn’t ten minutes before the home phone started ringing.  Ted stood and listened as the callers left messages.   “Just calling to check on you.  Terry, are you there?”  Ted recognized the voice on the phone.  There were a dozen calls before the coroner arrived.  News travels fast in a small town.  Message after message played—each one a voice from Terry’s life, calling into the void. ‘Terry? Call me back, honey.’ Ted squeezed his eyes shut. He couldn’t take it anymore. He turned the volume down and let himself grieve. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Chapter One

    Standing waist deep, Ted braced against the insistent flow and followed the fly as it drifted with the current.  Watching for the swirl of water that accompanied a trout rising from the river bed.  The air moved with the river, from the west.  The smell of rain was in the air. 

     Fly fishing was a form of meditation for Ted.  He found serenity in its conflicts.  Constant pressure from the force of the water against his body and a lure that floated without resistance on the current.  The reflection of light off the surface and the dark recesses where his adversary lay in wait. He loved the poetry of motion in casting the line.  The raising of the arm, drawing the line up and off the surface, pulling it back over his shoulder, taking in line with his other hand and the moment in time when the line lingered in the air, behind him, then throwing it forward, closing with the opposite hand, whipping the line ahead and watching it roll out across the water.  The voices that echoed in his mind were quieted here.  He could think, feel and reflect.

     Ted kept a wary eye to the west, watching the weather.  Dark billowing clouds at the head of the valley promised rain and the distant rumble underscored the threat of lightening.  Ted made his way to shore and collected Boo who had waited patiently for his return.  Boo was a 14 year old Black Mouth Cur that was Ted’s constant companion. Boo would sit on the shore and watch every cast Ted made.  The river snaked through the countryside nestling up to and running along side Main Street, marking the southern boundary of town, the river soon turn away and ambled down the valley.  Ted and Boo made their way down Main Street along the river’s edge.  People had walked here for hundreds, if not thousands of years.  Main Street was first paved in the early 1900’s. Before it was a street, wagons made ruts in the ground.  The wagons had followed a trace on the land evidencing the passing of travelers on foot. 

      Barely four blocks long and anchored in the center by The Alameda Theater, Main street was a place where a stroll after church was a welcome opportunity to visit with neighbors and friends.  The Alameda was a grand structure opened in the 1930’s built in the art deco style.  The ornate facade included a blade sign reaching upward sixty feet with the theater’s name spelled out in capital letters stacked one upon the other.  It was not a theater, it was a palace to house the nobility of the silver screen and to celebrate the imagining of the impossible.  The Theater was the central landmark of the town.

     Ted’s father and his father before him had walked this street. He passed the building that once held the Five and Dime store, where his grandmother meet his grandfather.  The Five and Dime was boarded up now, its windows dusty and forgotten.  Further down was the old bank building where his mother had been a teller.  She met his father there.  Ted had courted his wife and taken her to the Alameda Theater.  His kids grew up going to the same theater and shopping in all the stores that lined the street.  His roots were deep in this town.  It was a part of him.  There was no place that he would rather live.

     Main street was buttressed by a lattice work of residential streets lined by the elms and oaks planted a hundred and fifty years ago when the town was founded.  The trees had a majestic presence with their branches spreading out and crossing the divide to form a canopy of foliage over the carriage paths that were now paved roads.  Houses with picket fences framed the streets and were loving decorated with ornamental plants and flowers.

     Ted made his way back to his car with Boo leading the way carrying her leash in her mouth as they walked.  People stopped and said hello to Boo. 

“Hello Sheriff.”  A shop owner said as he reached to greet Boo.

“Catch any?” the shop owner asked.

“Not enough for dinner, let’em all go”  Ted replied as he continued his walk home.

Ted’s cell phone rang and the caller ID said it was from the office. 

“Sheriff, this is dispatch, we got a request for a welfare check at the Nielsen place.  Terry’s mother hasn’t been able to reach her is several days and is concerned.”  The dispatcher said.  Can you stop by on your way home?  Everyone else is tied up.”

“Will do, just headed that way now.”


Ted glanced at the storm clouds pressing closer.  Boo trotted ahead, leash in her mouth, oblivious.  The Nielson place wasn’t far.  He adjusted his hat, exhaled and turned the corner towards his truck.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Unveiling the Treasures of North Carolina: Introducing "Guide to the Outer Banks" by Will Stevenson


Unveiling the Treasures of North Carolina: Introducing "Guide to the Outer Banks" by Will Stevenson

Greetings, adventurers, travel enthusiasts, and seekers of hidden gems! Today marks an exciting
milestone in the world of exploration as we unveil a comprehensive guide to one of the most enchanting coastal destinations in the United States – the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Authored by the seasoned traveler and connoisseur of discovery, Will Stevenson, this guide promises to be your compass through the sandy shores, historic landmarks, and natural wonders of this captivating region.

Embark on a Journey of Discovery

For those unfamiliar with the Outer Banks, picture a stretch of barrier islands lining the coast of North Carolina, boasting pristine beaches, charming coastal towns, and a rich tapestry of history and culture. From the iconic Cape Hatteras Lighthouse standing tall against the horizon to the untamed beauty of the Cape Lookout National Seashore, each corner of the Outer Banks holds a story waiting to be uncovered.

Your Trusted Companion

In "Guide to the Outer Banks," Will Stevenson serves as your trusted companion, offering insights, tips, and recommendations garnered from years of firsthand exploration. Whether you're a first-time visitor or a seasoned veteran of these shores, this guide is designed to enhance your experience and help you navigate the myriad attractions and activities the Outer Banks has to offer.

What to Expect

Inside the pages of this meticulously crafted guide, you'll find:

Comprehensive Coverage: From the northern reaches of Corolla to the southern tip of Ocracoke Island, no stone is left unturned as Stevenson delves into the diverse offerings of each Outer Banks destination.

Insider Tips: Discover hidden gems, off-the-beaten-path treasures, and insider secrets that only a seasoned explorer like Stevenson can provide.

Activities for Every Traveler: Whether you're a beach bum, history buff, outdoor enthusiast, or foodie, there's something for everyone in the Outer Banks, and this guide ensures you make the most of your time in this coastal paradise.

Practical Information: From lodging options and dining recommendations to transportation tips and safety guidelines, Stevenson covers all the practical aspects to make your journey smooth and hassle-free.

Why "Guide to the Outer Banks" Matters

In a world where travel guides often feel impersonal and generic, "Guide to the Outer Banks" stands out as a labor of love, reflecting Stevenson's genuine passion for exploration and his deep connection to this remarkable region. More than just a collection of facts and figures, this guide is a testament to the transformative power of travel – the opportunity to connect with nature, immerse oneself in history, and create lasting memories with loved ones.

Join the Adventure

As we eagerly anticipate the unveiling of "Guide to the Outer Banks" by Will Stevenson, let us embrace the spirit of adventure and embark on a journey of discovery unlike any other. Whether you're planning your next getaway or simply dreaming of sandy shores and salt-kissed breezes, let this guide be your compass as you navigate the boundless wonders of the Outer Banks.

So pack your bags, fuel your wanderlust, and prepare to embark on an unforgettable odyssey through the sun-drenched splendor of North Carolina's Outer Banks.

 Available on Amazon

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Top Ten Most Popular National Parks

Here's a list of some of the most popular national parks in the United States, arranged from the least visited among the popular ones to the most visited based on recent data:

Glacier National Park (Montana): Known for its pristine wilderness, glaciers, and crystal-clear lakes, Glacier National Park offers stunning landscapes and diverse ecosystems. Visitors can explore its scenic Going-to-the-Sun Road, hike numerous trails, and marvel at the park's rich wildlife.

Olympic National Park (Washington): Olympic National Park boasts a diverse terrain encompassing rugged coastlines, lush rainforests, and glacier-capped peaks. Visitors can experience tidepooling, hike through old-growth forests, and even find themselves in hot springs.

Grand Teton National Park (Wyoming): With the iconic Teton Range as its backdrop, Grand Teton National Park showcases dramatic mountain vistas, serene lakes, and abundant wildlife. Popular activities include hiking, wildlife watching, and scenic drives.

Acadia National Park (Maine): Acadia is characterized by its rugged Atlantic coastline, granite peaks, and scenic trails. Visitors can enjoy breathtaking views from Cadillac Mountain, explore the carriage roads, and relax on picturesque beaches.

Yellowstone National Park (Wyoming, Montana, Idaho): The first national park in the world, Yellowstone is famed for its geothermal features, including geysers and hot springs. It's also home to diverse wildlife like bison, wolves, and grizzlies.

Yosemite National Park (California): Yosemite's iconic granite cliffs, waterfalls, and ancient sequoias make it a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts. Visitors can hike to the iconic Half Dome, view Yosemite Falls, and explore the stunning Yosemite Valley.

Zion National Park (Utah): Known for its towering red cliffs, narrow slot canyons, and the scenic Zion Canyon, this park offers incredible hiking opportunities, including the challenging Angels Landing and The Narrows trails.

Rocky Mountain National Park (Colorado): Rocky Mountain NP is a haven for alpine scenery, with soaring peaks, meadows filled with wildflowers, and abundant wildlife. Visitors can explore Trail Ridge Road, hike to alpine lakes, and spot elk and bighorn sheep.

Grand Canyon National Park (Arizona): The Grand Canyon is a geological wonder, showcasing the immense scale of nature with its vast canyon walls carved by the Colorado River. Visitors can hike trails, take in panoramic views, and experience the park's unique beauty.

Great Smoky Mountains National Park (North Carolina, Tennessee): Renowned for its misty mountains, lush forests, and diverse plant and animal life, the Great Smoky Mountains offer scenic drives, hiking trails, and historical insights into Appalachian culture.

Each of these parks presents its own unique natural wonders, providing visitors with endless opportunities to explore and immerse themselves in the beauty of the American wilderness.

Friday, January 5, 2024

If You Are Ever In Rocky Mountain National Park, Do this

"Discover the Magnificent Top Ten Attractions of Rocky Mountain National Park"

Nestled amidst the rugged beauty of the Rockies, Rocky Mountain National Park stands as a testament to nature's grandeur. Offering a plethora of breathtaking vistas, thrilling hikes, and serene lakes, this national park in Colorado boasts an abundance of attractions that leave visitors spellbound. Here are the top ten must-see wonders that make Rocky Mountain National Park an unforgettable experience:

1. Trail Ridge Road

Experience the awe-inspiring journey along Trail Ridge Road, a scenic highway that traverses the park's diverse landscapes. From high alpine tundra to lush forests and glacial valleys, this iconic road offers panoramic views that take your breath away.

2. Longs Peak

Standing as the park's tallest peak, Longs Peak beckons adventurers with its challenging trails and stunning vistas. Hikers and climbers alike are drawn to its trails, seeking the thrill and beauty of this majestic summit.

3. Bear Lake

Discover the tranquility of Bear Lake, an easily accessible gem offering serene views and serving as the gateway to several picturesque trails, perfect for leisurely strolls or more challenging hikes.

4. Emerald Lake Trail

Embark on the Emerald Lake Trail, winding past Nymph Lake and Dream Lake to reveal the captivating beauty of Emerald Lake. Surrounded by towering peaks, this spot is a hiker's paradise.

5. Moraine Park

Find yourself immersed in the picturesque landscapes of Moraine Park. Famous for its wildlife viewing opportunities, especially during elk rutting season, this valley is a haven for nature enthusiasts.

6. Wild Basin

Escape to the tranquility of Wild Basin, a quieter section of the park boasting waterfalls, diverse wildlife, and enchanting hiking trails amidst serene beauty.

7. Chasm Lake

Challenge yourself with a hike to Chasm Lake, an alpine oasis nestled beneath the dramatic walls of Longs Peak. The journey rewards adventurers with stunning views and an awe-inspiring alpine lake.

8. The Continental Divide

Experience the wonder of the Continental Divide, where waters part ways, flowing either east to the Atlantic or west to the Pacific. Here, spectacular vistas unfold, showcasing nature's beauty.

9. Hallett Peak

Journey to Hallett Peak for stunning views and rewarding hiking trails. Its vantage point offers an unparalleled perspective to appreciate the park's sheer magnificence.

10. Rocky Mountain National Park

In its entirety, Rocky Mountain National Park is a testament to nature's artistry. Every turn reveals new wonders, from the majesty of the mountains to the serenity of its lakes and valleys.

Rocky Mountain National Park captivates visitors with its diverse landscapes, abundant wildlife, and endless opportunities for exploration. Each attraction adds its unique charm to this natural wonder, ensuring an unforgettable experience amidst the breathtaking beauty of the Rockies. Whether seeking adventure or tranquility, this national park promises to leave an indelible mark on every visitor's heart.

Friday, December 29, 2023

If You Are Ever In Zion National Park, Do this

Zion National Park is filled with breathtaking sights and adventures. Here are ten must-see attractions within the park:

Angel's Landing: A challenging hike leading to a stunning viewpoint offering panoramic views of Zion Canyon. The hike involves steep switchbacks and chains along narrow ridges.

The Narrows: A hike through the Virgin River amidst towering canyon walls. This trail can involve walking in the river itself, making it a unique and refreshing experience.

The Subway: A strenuous but rewarding hike that involves navigating through a slot canyon with unique tubular formations carved by water.

Zion Canyon Scenic Drive: A scenic road offering stunning views of the canyon with various pull-off points and overlooks. It's accessible by private vehicle during certain times of the year or via shuttle bus during peak seasons.

Emerald Pools: A series of trails leading to lush, green oases and waterfalls, offering a refreshing break and beautiful scenery.

Weeping Rock: A short hike leading to an alcove where water seeps out of the rocks, creating a "weeping" effect and supporting a hanging garden of ferns and mosses.

Canyon Overlook Trail: A relatively easy hike leading to a breathtaking viewpoint overlooking Zion Canyon. It's a great option for those seeking stunning vistas without extensive hiking.

Observation Point: A challenging but rewarding hike that offers stunning panoramic views of Zion Canyon from a higher vantage point.

Kolob Canyons: A less crowded area of the park featuring stunning red rock canyons, scenic drives, and various hiking trails.

Checkerboard Mesa: A unique rock formation characterized by a distinctive checkerboard pattern, visible from the road in the eastern part of the park.

Remember, the beauty of Zion National Park extends far beyond these ten attractions. The park is filled with hidden gems and breathtaking vistas, so exploring and discovering its wonders is part of the adventure!

Top of Form


Wednesday, December 27, 2023

If You Are In Glacier National Park, Do This

Glacier National Park in Montana is renowned for its stunning natural beauty and diverse attractions. Here are ten must-see attractions within the park:

  1. Going-to-the-Sun Road: This iconic scenic drive spans 50 miles through the park, offering breathtaking views of mountains, valleys, waterfalls, and glaciers.

  2. Lake McDonald: This is the largest lake in the park and offers picturesque views, boat tours, kayaking, and hiking trails along its shores.

  3. Logan Pass: Situated at the crest of the Continental Divide, this area is known for its diverse wildlife, wildflowers, and stunning vistas. It's a popular trailhead for several hikes, including the Hidden Lake Overlook.

  4. Many Glacier: This area boasts stunning scenery, including the historic Many Glacier Hotel, numerous hiking trails, and boat tours on Swiftcurrent Lake and Lake Josephine.

  5. Grinnell Glacier: A strenuous but rewarding hike leads to the stunning Grinnell Glacier. The trail showcases incredible views of glaciers, mountains, and pristine alpine lakes.

  6. Avalanche Lake: Accessible via a relatively easy hike, Avalanche Lake is surrounded by towering peaks and waterfalls, offering a serene setting for a picnic or relaxation.

  7. Two Medicine: This area features beautiful lakes, hiking trails, and the historic Two Medicine Store. Boat tours on Two Medicine Lake are a popular way to explore the region.

  8. Iceberg Lake: A moderate hike leads to this striking lake, often dotted with icebergs even in summer, surrounded by towering peaks and wildlife sightings.

  9. Swiftcurrent Pass: A challenging but rewarding hike that leads to Swiftcurrent Mountain, offering stunning views of the surrounding valleys and lakes.

  10. Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park: This area, shared with Canada's Waterton Lakes National Park, offers a unique experience crossing the border between the two parks. The Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park celebrates the cooperation and friendship between the two countries.

These attractions offer a glimpse of Glacier National Park's diverse landscapes, wildlife, and outdoor recreational opportunities. Each spot provides a unique and memorable experience for visitors.